Our curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of enriching experiences and opportunities both within and beyond the school day. This includes a programme of after-school clubs, that support the core curriculum offer, as well as those which develop specific skills, such as gardening, coding, languages.
Throughout the year, themed days/weeks are woven into the curriculum to extend the breadth and balance of opportunities we offer the children at Milstead. These include Cool to be Kind Week (Anti-bullying), Faith Art Week, Comic Relief, World Book Day/Week, Sports Day, Science Week, class themed days linked to topics and many more.
Forest School
From September 2023, children will have the opportunity to engage in our new forest school with Mrs Tabor. This allows the children to work with others from different classes in the school, promoting our sense of community and building relationships.
Class trips are planned carefully and with consideration to ensure enrichment to current learning. Some trips involve the whole school. However all trips are purposeful and linked to learning in order to expend and deepen pupils knowledge.