Welcome to Oaks Class!
Year 4, 5 and 6
Class Teacher
Teaching Assistants -
Join us for a special class-led collective worship on Friday the 25th of October! Oaks would love to see you all there!
Year 6 will be attending Canterbury Cathedral on Tuesday the 12th of November.
Please ensure your child's belongings are all named. They will require a water bottle and a healthy morning snack. We recommend keeping a pair of wellies in school for wet weather as well as a named raincoat.
PE Days
Children should come into school wearing their complete PE kit including their house coloured t-shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms and suitable trainers. In cold weather, the children should wear their usual school cardigan, jumper or fleece. Earrings need to be removed or the children must be able to remove them themselves. Long hair needs to be tied back.
Children will complete a Star Reader task at the beginning of each new half-term on Accelerated Reader (AR). This will determine a suitable reading range for the children (e.g. 3.0-3.6). AR will also set the children with a target to reach for that half-term. Once the children have completed a book, they are encourage to complete a short quiz on AR to check their comprehension of the text read. We are striving for at least 85% accuracy. Each successful quiz will contribute points towards their reading target.
Reading records will be checked daily. These should be used to record daily reading at home. We recommend listening to your child read and asking simple questions to check their comprehension. We wish to promote a love of reading and encourage the children to read books within their recommended reading level however please note that they are not limited and are welcome to read any book of their choosing if it engages them.
There will be a Times-Table Challenge every Thursday:
Children will be able to access Times-Table Rockstars (TTRS) online via computer/laptop/tablet (iPad)/smart-phone. The login can be found in the reading record.
Please note that the children in Year 4 will be taking part in a Multiplication Check (MTC) in June 2025. This is completed on an iPad. The game 'Soundcheck' on TTRS replicates the MTC.
Spellings will be set weekly:
Children will be set an 'assignment' on SpellingShed each week which can be accessed online via computer/laptop/tablet (iPad)/smart-phone. The login for SpellingShed and the list of focus words can be found in the reading record. We encourage daily practise of spelling words at home and appreciate your support in this. Spellings will be practised daily in school and reviewed every Friday.
Bi-weekly, the class teacher Miss Wallis will have a Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) day. On these days, the class will be covered by our HLTA Miss Wallwork. These dates are: 12.9.24/26.9.24/10.10.24/24.10.24
Please note Miss Wallis may also be released from class for additional training days and subject management time.