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Catkin Class Pages (Year R and Year 1)

Welcome to Catkins Class!


Reception & Year 1


Class Teacher

Miss Bradley

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tabor

Coming up this year!

Term 3 


Hello Catkins! We are truly in the swing of school life now, aren’t we? This term, we have some fantastic books lined up to read, including Zog, The Bog Baby, and Gina Kaminski Saves the Wolf! In Maths, we’ll continue to build on our understanding of numbers and place value, while also tackling some exciting new concepts. In Science, we’ll revisit the seasons and compare Winter to Autumn, as well as sort and describe everyday materials. History will take us on an adventurous journey through time as we expand our knowledge of the past. RE will be full of excitement as we explore stories from both the Old and New Testaments. In Art, we’ll get creative and have lots of fun making models. And in PE, we’ll be focusing on gymnastics and dance—you know how much I love a good dance! This term is going to be absolutely incredible!

Term 3 Suggested Home Learning Activities

As per popular demand, there are some suggested home learning activities linked to our learning for term 3. All learning can be completed in your home learning books. If you have pictures of your wonderful home learning please upload these to tapestry and Miss Bradley and the team can print these to stick in your wonderful home learning books. 



Please ensure your child's belongings are all named. They will require a water bottle and a healthy morning snack. We recommend keeping a pair of wellies in school for wet weather as well as a named raincoat


Children should come into school wearing their complete PE kit including their house coloured t-shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms and suitable trainers. In cold weather, the children should wear their usual school cardigan, jumper or fleece. Earrings need to be removed or the children must be able to remove them themselves. Long hair needs to be tied back.


Home learning:

From Term 3, your child will have a home learning book. In addition to phonics practise, reading and Numbots, we will be supplying a grid with suggested activities for your child to complete at home in their own time. The teachers will invite the children to bring in their home learning books at the end of the term for a special show & tell to celebrate their lovely work.

Term 2


This term in Reception and Year 1, we dived into the delightful story of The Naughty Bus – and what a mischievous bus it was! We also looked forward to reading some festive favourites as the holiday season approached. In Maths, our learning continued to build on our fantastic number skills. In Science, we explored animals, including humans, and compared how we were similar and different. Geography was a lot of fun as we learned about maps and their features! In Computing, we were excited to use the laptops to enhance our learning. In Design and Technology, we got creative as we made our own bookmarks. In RE, we explored the theme of Incarnation and discovered why schools perform the nativity at Christmas time. And of course, we performed our very own nativity as a class – it was a wonderful term!

Term 1


This term the Catkin's have been doing some fantastic learning and have settled into school very well. We have welcomed our new EYFS children into our class. 


We have been peeking into the past and learning about what history and the past mean. We have been doing some amazing learning about our own history and how we have changed over time. We have had a lot of fun getting to know our new friends in class and learning about how we are all different and how this can be celebrated. 


The year 1's have been learning to write a sequel story in English and have produced some wonderful sequels to the colour monster. They have learnt that a story always needs a beginning, middle and end and how a problem in a story usually gets solved. 


In maths we have been learning to sort items and objects into groups and how to copy and continue AB patterns. 

Our Term 1 Learning

Forest School


We have loved out time in forest school! We have enjoyed exploring the woods and learning new things about nature and our environment. We have been learning about the signs on autumn and the sense in science and we have enjoyed investigating this deeper during forest school. We have had a lot of fun exploring the great outdoors in all weathers! 
