As an Academy Trust, our Articles of Association determine our governance structure. For a copy of this and further information about the Trust's governance follow the link:
Our Community Multi Academy Trust - Our Governance Business Documents (
At Milstead & Frinsted we have a Local Monitoring Council (LMC). It consists of the Executive Headteacher, Head of School, members of staff, parents and other interested parties.
The LMC is chaired by one of its members and it provides local challenge to the Leadership team using the published School Improvement Plan as a basis for monitoring.
Milstead and Frinsted Local Governing Body
Alexandra Edwards (Chair)
Scott Guy (Executive Headteacher)
Hannah Smith (Head of School)
Mrs Karen Dawson
Mr Daniel Cheema
Mrs Kathy Dowling (Staff)
Our Governors can be contacted via Milstead and Frinsted CoE Primary School, School Lane, Milstead, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 0SJ
For further information about our volunteers, their terms of office, business interests and attendance information, please click the following link Our Community Multi Academy Trust - Local Management Committees (LMC's) (
The Headteachers are responsible for day-to-day management of their school.