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Church of England Primary

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Aspen Class Pages (Years 3 and 4)

Welcome to Aspens Class page!


We can't believe it is already Term 6 and we are coming up to the end of a very exciting school year. Here's what we have planned for this term:



Religious Education: We will be looking at why people see life as a journey. 


Science: We are continuing our exploration of States of Matter. Get ready for some fun experiments and fascinating discoveries about solids, liquids, and gases!


English: We are starting our new book, Arthur and the Golden Rope. This thrilling adventure will inspire our reading and writing activities.


Maths: We are finishing our topic on time and moving on to explore shape, statistics, and position & direction. There are plenty of engaging activities and challenges ahead!


History: This term is all about the Vikings. Building on our previous topic on the Anglo-Saxons, we will dive into the world of these fascinating Norse explorers and warriors.


Computing: We are going to learn how to code using Scratch! We kicked off computing with a fun, practical activity exploring algorithms. Now, we will create our own interactive stories and games.


French: Our focus will be on a French classroom. We will learn new vocabulary and phrases to help us talk about school life in French.


Physical Education (PE): We will learn how to play cricket. Get ready to develop your batting, bowling, and fielding skills!


Art: This term, we will be honing our drawing skills. We'll explore different techniques and styles to express our creativity.



We have so much more to explore and do, and we are excited to embark on this journey together.


Let’s make Term 6 the best one yet!

PE days: Tuesday & Friday

Viking day!
