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Acorn Class Pages (Year 2)

Welcome to Acorn's Class!


In Science it has been exciting to watch the progress of our seeds turning into plants. We have been watching them carefully and looked after them with regular watering. Our test plants have been quite interesting so far, although the seeds that have no heat or water have not grown at all, our seed that has been living very comfortably inside a dark cupboard has sprouted very tall! We think it is enjoying the peace and quiet in there - although it is not looking as green as the others!

In Maths, we have continued working hard on our fractions, Acorn class can now divide into 4 equal parts and recognise unit and non-unit fractions.

Lastly, well done to those children that have received a Headteacher's Certificate so far for showing outstanding learning! I look forward to nominating more children in the future.


Acorns class

Our Term 5 learning
