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Oak Class Pages (Years 5 and 6)


Welcome to Oak Class

We are the Year 5 and 6, Upper Key Stage 2 pupils at the school.

Our class teacher is Mrs Banks


Our teaching assistants are: 

Ms Coomber

Mrs McGuane



Please ensure you send your child to school every day with a named water bottle. Also, please make sure that coats, jumpers or cardigans are named as it can become very warm within the building and children may take them off. If it is not named, we won't be able to find it.

Our Learning

In Term 1, our topic is What is life like in the Alps? 


We will be learning about the geography of the Alps, why people visit and how it compares to our local area.


In English, our novel for the term is The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell. We will be using this book as inspiration for our writing pieces, as well as learning abut it during guided reading sessions. We will be creating a narrative about losing a treasured object and a newspaper report this term. We read every morning and have daily literacy lessons that cover comprehension, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting. We try to link all of our learning through our weekly theme writing and extended writing.


We have a daily maths lesson that is taught through White Rose Maths. This term we will be recapping and consolidating place value, before moving onto formal methods of addition and subtraction.


We have two PE sessions a week: Tuesday and Friday. 

Children need to come into school on those days in their PE kit.


We are taught RE once a week. This term, our RE topic is God – What does it mean if God is loving and Holy?


Our music topic this term is Composition Notation which is themed around Ancient Egypt.


In Science, our topic is Animals including humans and we will be looking at the body and the circulatory system.



French will be taught every Wednesday, this term we will be learning about Monster Pets.


In Computing, we will be learning about search engines and online safety, thinking about how we keep ourselves safe online, and whether or not a website is reliable.


In PSHE, our theme is Being me in my World: Who am I and how do I fit? And will be taught weekly.




PE day is Tuesday and Friday.

Children should come into school in their PE kits on those days.


When it is cold outside children need to cover up with a pair of plain dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings and their school jumper.

  • Children must ensure long hair is tied back if it can be.
  • Children must take any jewellery they are wearing off themselves, including earrings. Ideally, this should be done at home.
  • Children must cover newly pierced earrings up with tape that parents must provide them with. Only a small pair of stud earrings are allowed in school, no hoops please.






Homework and spellings will be given on a Friday for the following Friday



Parents/Guardians should test their child, quizzing them on what they have read. Children may create posters or notes to help them remember this new information, however these creations must be kept at home.


Children should also practice daily their spellings and times tables up to 12x12. 


Partnership Work


Open Door

We have an informal open door policy to allow parents to catch up about their child.


Please feel free to speak to me briefly at the end of the school day once I have safely seen all of the other children out. However, if you require a slightly longer discussion, please phone the school office and request a call back to arrange a mutually convenient time.


Thank-you for understanding. 


Parent – Teacher partnership

How can you help?




Whenever you have a spare moment, read a story with your child. The best way to improve the expression in their reading is for them to hear it as often as possible. 


We want to instil a love of reading within every child. If children are passionate about reading, they will want to do it more and more. This way, they unknowingly take in new vocabulary, spellings, sentence structures and apply it into their own work. 


Times Tables Practice


Times tables are key to understanding and applying maths. Children need to be exposed to them as much as possible and recite them frequently. Write or print times tables up to 12x12 and display them on the fridge. Perhaps choose one times table (e.g. 5s) to go through after breakfast each day or on the way to school. This way in just 2 weeks they will be covered and you can start again. 


Where more time is available, test them on their times tables – make it a game, get them to test you! 
